3D Design & Animation
Minecon is an annual convention where Minecraft fans get to celebrate all things blocky. Since each Microsoft Store serves as a host for the event, we needed a general awareness campaign that could help get the word out.
Communicate the when/where of Minecon in a playful and Minecrafty way. Design general awareness assets for all video wall fixtures, in all Microsoft Stores.
Microsoft Stores are kind of like snow flakes - no two are exactly alike. But one quality they all have in common is a badass video wall system. With over sixty different store layouts, these video walls range from 1,920 pixels to 57,600 pixels (yup). To account for such large variation, I designed a set of modular assets, allowing me to tailor every deliverable around each unique store layout.

Minecraft is all about whimsey and adventure, so why not incorporate a little of that into this Minecon theme? To bring the video walls to life, we used characters from the game including the spider, ghast, sheep and chicken. Here are some of the concept drawings and renders created along my Minecon journey.

We originally had the chicken get squished by a TNT block but eventually saved it from being smooshed...

Creative Director - Florin Gale
Senior Art Director - Jay Prochaska
Project Manager - Rhiannon Thumma
Concept & Storyboarding - Cody Char
Design & Animation - Cody Char
Copy Writer: Kelsi Auld
Sound Design - Jonathan Warman
MoJang Liaison - Jeff Rivait
Minecon Announcement Video - Brikk (Stockholm, Sweden)